dis·in·gen·u·ous   [dis-in-jen-yoo-uhs] Show IPA
lacking in frankness, candor, or sincerity; falsely or hypocritically ingenuous; insincere: Her excuse was rather disingenuous.
gen·u·flec·tion   [jen-yoo-flek-shuhn] Show IPA
an act of bending the knee or touching it to the ground in reverence or worship.

It’s tempting to just stop right there and let people talk among themselves. 😀

In the virtual world of Second Life where I have spent a lot of time  in the past 4.5 years, although I remember the same online posturing back in IRC days, there runs rampant what Zeke and Quai (my two doms) and I refer to as “belt buckle and big black hat doms.” The series of four short “public service” animations on the “Dom and Dommer”  web site illustrate what I mean beautifully and are also damned funny!  It’s the first place I send men that randomly decide they can call me “girl” in a tone to remind me of my “place.”  Heh…don’t think so buddy.  The only time I personally want to be referred to as “girl” is when it comes out of Quai or Zeke’s fingers or mouths and is proceeded by “good.”  Oh there might be a good friend or two that would get away with giving me a “good girl” also.  Maybe. If I let them. 🙂
