You’re smart.

Thanks, I’m grateful that I can see all the things go wrong in graphic detail.


Knowledge is painful…like ignorance is bliss right?  Eat the fruit of knowledge and it hurts.

Yes but wisdom is liberating!

Wisdom puts knowledge into perspective.

Yeah, I do prefer it to ignorance.


To me:

Zeke is like an old soul just trying to remember what he already knows and share it.

Quai is like a lifelong student of himself and human nature, connecting the disconnects and perpetually seeking the perfect system.

I am like a light and dark crystal, reflecting others and revealing and concealing my facets in sparkling disarray.

That’s how I feel right now about these three humans.


I wrote another song today. I shouldn’t spend any more time on it.  I may just post it. If  I do it will be HERE as well as on my “My Music” page.  Check back (tomorrow) and see if I did or not.  haha.  Dammit I’m a songwriting maCHINE these days. What’s all that got to do with Wisdom and Knowledge?   Nothing really… I just started thinking about that and wanted you to as well. 🙂  Yes you!  The rest is just free-associating as I tend to do.  Wasn’t it interesting, at least? Well the song is…”bahh ba ba bah!”

Feel free to comment on the song, the title concept, write your own line stating what you feel like you are in the world. Yay!

